Luxor Temple of Man image of skeleton superimposed over temple

If you’re anything like me, the esoteric knowledge of ancient civilizations will draw you in with its profound wisdom and secrets. Today, I’m thrilled to delve into the mysteries of Luxor Temple of Man with you, exploring its esoteric symbolist approach.

Luxor Temple pylons and obelisk

What if I told you that ancient Egyptian temples were not merely religious structures but embodied symbolic representations of the human form, reflecting a profound understanding of cosmic principles and the nature of consciousness? This is exactly what you’ll discover as we begin to explore the deeper aspects of the Luxor Temple.

Luxor Temple reveals a hidden aspect that early Egyptologists didn’t anticipate. What isn’t widely known is that Luxor Temple’s design incorporates sacred geometry, featuring the golden ratio and various intricate geometric forms. 

For initiates of the mystery schools, these elements were believed to possess profound metaphysical significance, resonating with cosmic harmony and amplifying the temple’s esoteric teachings.

Luxor Temple of Man

If you’re enthralled by ancient knowledge, secret teachings, and the convergence of science and spirituality, you’ll be captivated by the profound wisdom encoded in the symbolism of Luxor Temple’s art and architecture.

This is the subject of my new book, “The Adept Initiate’s Guide to Luxor Temple.”

This unique guidebook serves not only as a travel companion with detailed summaries of the reliefs and new discoveries within Luxor Temple but also as an introduction to the symbolist approach of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz.

R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz proposed that ancient Egyptian architects and priests intricately encoded esoteric knowledge into the temple’s architecture, hieroglyphs, and symbolism. This knowledge included insights into human consciousness, spiritual evolution, and the interconnectedness of all life.


Did you know that ancient Egyptian temples might hold hidden secrets? 🏛️✨ R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz’s research on Luxor Temple uncovers profound spiritual knowledge! 🌌👤 Want to learn more? Discover in my new book & win a free copy at! 📚🎉 #AncientEgypt #EsotericWisdom #HiddenSecrets #Archaeology #BookGiveaway #LuxorTemple #HistoryMystery

♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose

My dear friend and mentor, the late symbolist author John Anthony West, described the experience of Luxor Temple as akin to walking through a musical instrument—aptly considering the temple as a reflection of humanity.

When you walk through the Temple of Man, you walk through yourself, a microcosm of the macrocosm, embarking on an inner journey that explores the depths of your own being. Many traverse the temple each day, none the wiser, yet they can’t help but feel the sensation and impact of awe without understanding why or identifying how it works.

Luxor Temple of Man Plan by Anyextee
Illustration of the Temple of Man, courtesy of The Adept Initiate’s Guide to Luxor Temple: Experiencing the Temple of Man Using the Esoteric Symbolist Approach by Anyextee |

Understanding Luxor Temple necessitates a shift in temporal perspective—viewing it not through a modern lens but through the ancient Egyptian worldview, where science, art, and spirituality were profoundly interconnected. This is where the esoteric symbolist approach comes in.

The Adept Initiate's Guide to Luxor Temple book by Anyextee

Written while living in Luxor, Egypt, it is the result of meticulous study, examining the temple stone-by-stone.

Rare for a credentialed academic to cosign someone like me, an independent researcher, this book features a foreword written by an Egyptian Egyptologist who served as Luxor Temple’s inspector for seven years. 

The book has received praise from both alternative authors and academics alike, including Todd Hayen, PhD, Christopher Dunn, Normandi Ellis, Laird Scranton, Keith Hamilton, Matt Sibson of Ancient Architects, and many more.

“Anyextee’s extensive research, knowledge, and esoteric understanding make this the ultimate guide to the breathtaking Temple of Man. A mesmerizing book that takes the reader on a personal journey of discovery.”

– Matt Sibson, Ancient Architects

“Symbolism is all around us. Modern symbols, such as icons and logos, convey enough information to fill several thick books. Ancient symbols, similarly, did the same for those who created them. Schwaller de Lubicz spent 15 years studying the Luxor Temple in an effort to decode its symbols and accomplished monumental works. John Anthony West continued his legacy with Serpent in the Sky and inspiring the production of a seminal video series called ‘Ancient Egypt Mystery Schools.’ While my focus has mostly been on engineering, I have traveled through Egypt with John Anthony West (2006) and Anyextee (2021) and can say without equivocation that both experiences were immensely valuable to me. Both West and Anyextee were excellent company. Continuing the legacy of de Lubicz and West, Anyextee injects a youthful passion while respecting both conventional and alternative views on history.”

– Christopher Dunn, author of The Giza Power Plant and Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt

“This is a brilliant book. Anyone interested in visiting the Luxor Temple in Egypt will find the information in this book essential—even if you are visiting from the comfort of your living room! You will not only get the foundational information about the temple, but you will get enormous amounts of insight, as well as practical spiritual applications, you will not find anywhere else. Anyextee is an ‘on the ground’ expert, which means he spends most of his time wandering the sands of Egypt taking in and investigating the mysteries he so deftly writes about. You will not find this amazing insight anywhere else.”

– Todd Hayen, PhD, author of Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred

This book offers you a comprehensive blueprint with practical applications for experiencing the symbolist approach, delving deep into the secret science of the Pharaohs, and unraveling mysteries that continue to captivate and mystify.

Already a #1 Top New Release on Amazon, this unique esoteric guidebook is your gateway to uncovering hidden truths and expanding your understanding of human history and consciousness.

best selling author Anyextee new release on amazon

Secure a Limited Edition 3D Reflective Gold Foil Book + Luxor ‘Temple of Man’ T-shirt, each signed and numbered 1 – 100, exclusively on 

Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the profound secrets of Luxor Temple!

Thank you for your unwavering support. I can’t wait for you to embark on this journey through the Temple of Man and explore the depths of your own being.


Anyextee is a bestselling author, esoteric researcher, filmmaker, and expedition tour leader exploring history's ancient mysteries through an esoteric lens. You can follow along at